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Presentation software Tome automate and simplify building decks and telling visual stories. Users can  leverage AI to instantly generate presentation outlines, drafts, graphics and more.

Tome’s integrations with large language models like GPT-4 and image generation models aim to provide a narrative skeleton that users can easily customize for their needs. The AI tools help overcome writer’s block and accelerate ideation.

AI-Powered Presentation Drafts

Tome’s key new feature allows generating initial presentation drafts simply by describing the desired topic, such as “startup pitch deck” or “product strategy proposal”.

The integrated natural language AI will produce relevant outline slides with placeholder images and text. This gives users a strong starting point to then tailor to their specific presentation.

While the AI-generated content can be generic at first, it provides a quick way to visualize presentation structure and points to cover. Users can rewrite any parts as needed for their purpose.

DALL-E 2 Creates Custom Images

Alongside text, Tome taps into DALL-E 2 to automatically generate relevant images for slides based on prompts. The AI illustrations match the presentation theme and subject.

Users can further refine images by providing more specific descriptive direction to DALL-E 2. Existing artwork can also replace the AI placeholder graphics where appropriate.

Over time, Tome aims to make the AI more context-aware to insert optimal visuals like data charts without manual prompting. For now, it speeds up finding or creating supporting visual content.

Early Adoption Across Use Cases

Since launching its AI capabilities in September 2022, Tome has seen growing usage across individual and business scenarios.

Many parents utilized the tool to quickly generate illustrated children’s stories. Others found it helpful for easily prototyping presentations like monthly status updates.

Tome’s integration with leading language and image AI models has proven valuable in jumpstarting narrative development through early feedback. Further refinement then produces a polished end result.

Future Plans for More Advanced AI

While still in the early stages, Tome plans to rapidly build on its initial AI presentation features over time.

Upcoming roadmap plans include more advanced natural language processing to elaborate on or summarize specific sections of text on command. More complex layout creation and data visualization insertion without prompts are also in development.

As the underlying AI continues progressing, Tome aims to be on the forefront of leveraging the technology for faster, simpler presentation building for any purpose.

Tome’s Focus on Reducing Friction

At its core, Tome has always focused on reducing the friction in assembling visual stories and presentations.

The addition of generative AI provides another leap forward in speeding up the ideation process. It eliminates the blank page staring challenge for many.

While still benefiting from human refinement, Tome’s AI capabilities let creators spend more time on messaging rather than format. Automating early drafting and graphics lifts a heavy burden.

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