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At its recent TrailheaDX conference, Salesforce unveiled Einstein GPT, a new generative artificial intelligence tool that can create personalized content to transform customer experiences. Powered by a combination of Salesforce’s proprietary AI and external models like OpenAI’s GPT-3, Einstein GPT represents a major advancement in leveraging AI within CRM platforms.

What is Einstein GPT?

Einstein GPT is a natural language generation capability within Salesforce CRM that can automatically create relevant text content like emails, chat replies, and summaries. It achieves this by generating human-like text based on customer data and profiles from Salesforce’s integrated Data Cloud.

Users can prompt Einstein GPT through straightforward text commands, and it will produce tailored content customized for the recipient. For example, a salesperson could tell Einstein GPT to “draft an email following up with customer John Smith about analytics software options” and it would generate an initial personalized email to use.

Generative AI Applied to CRM Use Cases

Some key use cases where Einstein GPT adds value include:

  • Sales teams using it to automatically compose customized emails, pitches, and other messages.
  • Service agents leveraging it to quickly generate support content, documentation, and customer replies.
  • Marketers utilizing it to create targeted ad copy, emails, landing pages, and more.
  • Developers employing it to boost productivity by generating code snippets and documentation.

Across sales, service, marketing, commerce, and IT, Einstein GPT enables employees to be more productive and deliver personalized interactions.

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Infused With External AI Models

A notable aspect of Einstein GPT is its ability to connect with leading external AI systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT enterprise version. This provides customers access to cutting-edge generative models while keeping data secure within Salesforce’s trusted cloud environment.

Salesforce has partnered with OpenAI to integrate state-of-the-art capabilities optimized for CRM workflows. Companies can also bring their own AI models to connect with Einstein GPT.

When Will Einstein GPT Launch?

Einstein GPT will begin rolling out in March 2023, starting with integrations for Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Slack, and developer tools. It will expand across Salesforce’s clouds and products over time, becoming embedded in customer-facing workflows.

The launch underscores Salesforce’s commitment to putting AI directly into the hands of employees and customers through easy-to-use tools like Einstein GPT.

How Does Einstein GPT Differ from Einstein AI?

Einstein AI refers to the hundreds of existing AI capabilities Salesforce has introduced over the years across their platforms. These include things like predictive lead scoring, chatbot service agents, and personalized recommendations.

Einstein GPT represents the next evolution of Einstein AI by incorporating generative content creation through models like GPT-3. While past Einstein innovations focused on predictions and recommendations, Einstein GPT produces written and visual content tailored to each user.

What is Einstein GPT for Developers?

For developers building on the Salesforce platform, Einstein GPT provides an AI assistant that can generate functional code snippets and explanations of how different APIs work through conversational natural language queries.

This allows developers to easily get code samples, documentation, and answers by describing what they want to accomplish instead of needing to search or write code from scratch. Supercharging developer productivity is a key benefit.

How Much Will Einstein GPT Cost?

Einstein GPT will be included at no additional cost for users on Salesforce’s Unlimited licenses. For others, it will be available as add-ons to Einstein Platform licenses priced at $50 per user/month.

This base price includes a limited number of monthly content generation credits. More credits can be purchased through Einstein GPT Expansion Packs for increased usage across teams.

Transforming the CRM Landscape

Einstein GPT has the potential to fundamentally transform CRM by embedding generative AI directly into critical customer-facing workflows. Personalized, dynamic content generation at scale unlocks new levels of productivity and customer satisfaction.

As AI capabilities continue advancing, Einstein GPT represents the next phase of intelligence augmentation for enterprises. Combining its own AI with groundbreaking external models, Salesforce is aiming to lead the market by embedding generative AI across the Customer 360.

Salesforce is also partnering with OpenAI to provide ChatGPT access directly within Slack through a new app integration. This will enable AI-powered features like smart conversation summaries, research, and writing assistance. Additionally, Salesforce announced a $250 million AI investment fund through its ventures arm that will focus on startups developing responsible generative AI across industries.

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