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Artificial intelligence is disrupting content marketing through new automated copywriting tools like Jasper, Writesonic, and These AI platforms can generate high-quality long-form content from just a few prompts.

In this post from AI Learning Labs, we’ll explore the capabilities of AI copywriting tools and how they’re transforming content creation.

What is AI Copywriting?

AI copywriting refers to content generated by artificial intelligence algorithms rather than written manually. To use AI copywriting tools, you simply input keywords, headers, desired tone, and other guidance.

The AI will then produce relevant long-form text around your topic autonomously. The best tools iterate content based on your feedback to refine it before finalizing.

Benefits include:

  • Create blog posts, social media captions, emails, landing pages in minutes
  • Ensure consistent brand tone and messaging
  • Scale content production without more time or resources

For creators, it’s a game changer – expanding output exponentially while maintaining quality.

Hands-On Example With Writesonic

Let’s walk through quickly creating content with Writesonic, one of the leading AI copywriting platforms:

  1. Sign up for a free Writesonic account
  2. Enter a topic, headers, tone of voice, keywords, links to incorporate
  3. Writesonic’s AI generates multi-paragraph copy within seconds
  4. Review and refine the draft content as needed
  5. Copy over the finalized text into your CMS

With these 5 simple steps, Writesonic AI can create a complete blog post without any manual writing needed. The platform matches the capabilities of human writers!

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Top AI Copywriting Solutions

Some other top automated content creation platforms beyond Jasper include:

  • Writesonic – Produces SEO-optimized long-form content for a variety of use cases.
  • – Focuses on generating marketing copy like ads, landing pages, emails, social posts.
  • ContentGal – All-in-one AI content platform including writing, ideation, and optimization.
  • Shortly AI – Specializes in bite-sized engaging social media text tailored to each platform.

The rapid innovation in AI copywriting provides creators access to unlimited high-quality content.

Here at AI Learning Labs, we’ll continue exploring the latest advancements in AI writing tools. Subscribe to our email list to receive updates on how AI is changing content creation.

Streamline Content Creation with AI

As this article has shown,  solutions like Jasper, Writesonic, and are transforming how businesses and marketers produce written content.

By leveraging AI’s ability to autonomously generate relevant text from just a few prompts, creators can scale content production exponentially. This frees up time and mental energy.

The future is here – stop struggling to write manually and instead tap into the power of AI copywriting to effortlessly create optimized, high-quality content.

 Sign up now to get a free trial of leading platform  Writesonic!


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